Transvaginal mesh is a net-like medical device that doctors use to repair weakened or damaged tissue in a woman’s bladder or pelvic area also known as transvaginal pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
This type of mesh is also used to repair large hernias and other body defects. Unfortunately, thousands of patients have reported side effects after surgery, which can cause serious lifelong complications.

In April 2019, the FDA ordered all manufacturers to stop selling POP mesh because they had not proven its safety or effectiveness. Complications include, but not limited to:
- Inflammation
- Transvaginal Mesh Erosion
- Urinary Problems
- Vaginal Scarring
- Irritation, or Pain, During Sexual Intercourse
- Bleeding
Between 2005 and 2019, Hernia mesh manufacturers have recalled more than 211,000 units of hernia mesh. Complications from recalled mesh include mesh failure, punctured organs, hernia recurrence and others.
If you have been diagnosed by your physician to have an implant injury, contact our experienced attorneys and discuss a possible product liability lawsuit.