Playground & Park Child Injury Attorneys
in New York

Playgrounds and Parks should be a place for fun and imagination for children to enjoy.

This fun, if it becomes a bit reckless, can lead to a dangerous situation for your child to experience.

Over 200,000 children visit the emergency room each year and 15 children become fatalities each year from playground equipment.

New York Playground Child Injury Lawyers

Most playgrounds are considered public property. Pursuing compensation from public entities comes with unique procedural hurdles.

Our attorneys have extensive knowledge of and experience dealing with playground injury claims and municipal liability.

If the accident happened on private property, the owner of the property and his or her insurance company are likely already busy looking for ways to undermine your claim and avoid paying appropriate compensation for your child’s injuries.

That is why it is so important to reach out to one of our attorneys immediately to begin discussing the claims of your case.

Accomplished Representation in
Playground & Park Child Injury Lawsuits

Our New York child injury attorneys are ready to help you recover compensation for your children’s playground and park injuries. If your child has been seriously injured on a playground, contact us today and let us help you to get the compensation your child deserves.